
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Traub Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH
Licher Str. 25
35516 Münzenberg

Vertreten durch:

Jan Traub


Telefon: +49 6004 -93 05 50
Telefax: +49 6004 -1709


Eintragung im Handelsregister.
Registergericht:Amtsgericht Friedberg
Registernummer: HR 5589


Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 113 877 768

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Jan Traub
Adresse wie oben


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General terms of business 
Traub Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH 35516 Münzenberg

1. General All 
Offers and deliveries are only valid under the following conditions. The customer agrees our conditions with his order. Other agreements are only valid in written form.

2. Offer - Order - Prices 
Our offers are binding after our written confirmation of the order. If not expressly signed different, all our prices are excluding VAT and Ex Works our warehouse/factory. If we supply without a confirmation to the buyer before, our terms of sale are excepted by the buyer with the acceptance of the delivery. Freight is inssured only if confirmed in writen form. Smaller deviations from the description of the offer are possible and do not affect the fulfilment of the contract. Changes of the product, which will improve the quality or changes as well as errors in the discription are reserved.

3. Supply 
Times for delivery are non committal, as far as we do not agree expressly in writing form. Partial deliveries are permissible. The way of transit is determined by us. Recognizable transport damages have to be immediately noted on the customer receipt of the deliverer and signed by the driver. Covered transport damages are to be announced us within 5 days in writing. The damaged commodity and the packing are to be kept available to proof purposes. If a return delivery is necessary Traub Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH has to be informed before sending and the sending has to be made cost-effective and free of charge. If the claim is accepted by Traub Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH, the buyer gets a credit note for costs of resending.

4. Payment 
If not arranged in different terms delivery is made against advanced payment. We reserve the right of accepting different forms of payment if agreed in written form by us. Buyer failing to make payment in time will be held liable for any resulting consequences such as loss of exchange etc. With delay of payment we are allowed to charge the buyer Euro 10.- for each printed reminder. Also the buyer will be charged for bank interest as well as for all collection charges because of payment delay. First orders, special productions take place against prepayment. Traub Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH keeps owner of the delivered goods until the complete payment through the customer.

5. Dispatch 
The dispatch takes place on danger of the buyer. Transport costs or charges for delivery go debited to the receiver. Same applies to express impacts and packing expenditure, if not other arrangements agreed in writing from us.

6. Retention of title 
The supplied commodity remains up to the complete payment our own. The buyer is permitted to use our products for a pawn, a safety conveyance or a safeguard assignment.

7. Quality liability 
By this customer guarantee, Traub Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH guarantees the product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 12 month after delivery. This guarantee will not cover the damages resulting from adaptions or adjustments which may be made to the product without the prior written consent of Traub Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH. This guarantee does not cover any damage resulting from misuse the product for its normal purpose or in accordance our instructions on the proper use and maintanance. Colour changes and colour deviation from printed leaflets are excluded from the guarantee. Recognizable lack must be communicated to us in writing immediately after knowlege. The buyer cannot refuse payment because of any counterclaims or on counterclaims up count her, unless these counterclaims is in writing recognized from us or judicially determined.

8. Place of delivery and area of jurisdiction 
For contracts as place of delivery and area of jurisdiction the headquarter of Traub Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH society is agreed upon, under the condition that we are also entitled to complain at an address of the buyer. The contractual relation is subject to the right of the Federal Republic of Germany. With publishing this terms all previous descriptions become unvalid. If one of these conditions should be completely or become partial ineffective, the validity of the remaining conditions are not affected thereby.





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